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Programs at St. Paul's
Tuesday Evening Bible Study (Tuesday 6:30pm)
"Journey of a Lifetime"
This study is a practical, book-by-book survey of the entire Bible. It has 52 lessons with more than 100 drawings, as well as sixteen maps, charts, and diagrams that aid in making the Bible come to life.
This study answers fascinating questions, such as: Who wrote the Bible? What is the theme of the Bible? Why is there an Old and New Testament? Why did God want Moses to build a tabernacle? What is the Ark of the Covenant? What is God's special name when He is dealing with people? |
What is God's special name when He is dealing with people? What are the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel? Why are there four Gospels? How can I be certain I am going to heaven? There are also six lessons on the book of Revelation to help you find yourself in the seven churches, and to learn about the Second Coming, the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Battle of Armageddon, and heaven.
When you complete this study, you will have a basic understanding of every book in the Bible and why each book is where it is in the Bible. You will also know something about every major character in the Bible. You can learn more about the Bible in this study than the average Christian learns in a lifetime.
Videos from this study are available online HERE!

Thursday Morning Bible Study (Thursday 10:00am)
"Journey Into Stress-Free Living "
We all regularly experience many kinds of stress. That's why we need the book of Philippians, which is all about "stress-free living."
Videos from this study are available online HERE!

Christian Women of Faith (Third Monday Evening 6:30pm)
The Christian Women of Faith is a wonderful group of 10-15 ladies who meet at each other's houses once a month for prayer, a Bible-based study, fellowship and food! This is a warm, friendly group and a great place to share our Christian living! This group is open to all the ladies of the church!
"Mile High Hatters" Red Hat Ladies (Date and Time Vary by Event)
Our Red Hat ladies really know how to have fun out and about in the Denver Metro Area! Previous events have included trips to the Zoo, Botanic Gardens, Aquarium, musicals and plays, tea houses, various museums, Celestial Seasonings, a Rockies Game and countless other fun activities. Each activity generally includes lunch at a local restaurant. This is the group to join if you want to have a great time!

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Sharon Simon